Two sisters, Nancy and Mary, exchange family news and photos and dream about knitting, quilting, books, birds and life in general.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
we HAD to shop for yarn and beads

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
For those of you who weren't here at Christmas (1)
Holiday break: knitting plans....
Today is a day of recovery and knitting plans. Nancy's idea is for us to knit a joint project - or the same project - or whatever, but t0 use her laceweight merino wool to knit some "fluffy lace." We think we may have found the perfect project here.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Together Again

Friday, December 21, 2007
A tree topper for Dad
Remember all the tetrahedrons and octahedrons and other odd polyhedrons Dad used to make out of construction paper? Look at this: a perfect top to the Christmas tree for Dad, and it can be knit!

I'm going to bed right now or I'd look it up to see what the pattern is like. I wonder how hard it is to make? G'night! Love you, Mary
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
back home again

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Posted while talking about the burning barrel....
Yay! I am done with school WAHOOOOOIEEEEE! At least for Holiday Break. Here's the soundtrack of first quarter of distance - Masters of Library and Information Science (dMLIS) right here.
Now it's time to post some pictures. I have been getting a little bit of knitting done. I've found that I can knit headbands while I listened to lectures:
I can finally think about packing to come to Minneapolis now. If Brian doesn't get called to work, he will come with me. And Christy will get there four days later.
We actually are lucky enough to have someone stay in our house to take care of PJ, the plants, and the birds and squirrels we've been feeding. Speaking of - a week or so ago I was in bed with a headache, when I heard a racket outside:
Also, I finally got some exercise last Monday, skiing. Brian took a video and I'm planning to post it as soon as I can figure out why I keep getting an error message. I'm excited for the premiere of "Drewtube." Har! It takes so little to amuse me. Sayonara. mdp
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Much better

Well, that is better. It is not perfect yet because although I have shortened it several times it still goes over the border outline on the right edge. But it is much better. I now have a head!
I am busy trying to pack and clean things. My sticking point right now is the refrigerator. sigh.....
Dad just called and wanted me to finish the hat for Junice so she can have a Christmas present. I better get it out and work on it. I have been ignoring it although I knew just where the bag was. Maybe I can work on it during Monday Night football.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
can't figure out the heading

Thursday, December 6, 2007
More Thanksgiving pictures
Here are Jon and E with their dueling 'stuffies'. E has two from Caribou coffee and Jon has his pal "Ace". Ace left Jon and played for Nancy for a part of the game. She had great luck with him too.
That's all for now.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
1958 Cheesecake

Monday, December 3, 2007
Winter and Suet

I am going to make some more suet tonight. This is the recipe I use. I got it out of Wildbird Magazine and it is attributed to Martha Sargent. It gets eaten up about three to one faster than the commercial ones.
1 Cup crunchy peanut butter...the real stuff is preferred not the homogenized stuff2 Cups 'Quick Cook oats
2 C Cornmeal
1 Cup lard - no substitutes
1 C white flour
1/3 C sugar
(Non salted nuts and berries as you wish may be added.)
Melt lard and peanut butter together in microwave. Stir in the rest and pour into three recycled commercial suet pans or into a square plastic freezer container. Put in refrigerator to set. You may remove and store in the freezer once they are set. I usually just keep them in the fridge as they get eaten up too fast to spoil This is a picture of one of my bluejays and an American Goldfinch in flight. They are at my 'winter feeder' which is my own invention...and construction. A garbage can with holes cut in the bottom and hardware cloth inside to hold sunflower seeds. It is very popular and lasts about a month. Inside on the bottom is an upside down enamal pan to keep the seeds close to the edge of the can.
Cool eh?
Sunday, December 2, 2007
You must have been having some fun.....
Oh well, I'm feeling chipper today because it snowed, finally. And look who came to dinner:
And after he was done, look who came for leftovers:
And then, somebody got impatient for his turn:
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Home Again

Then Jeni came in and wouldn't let me take a full frontal. So I took a head and shoulders. Too bad cause she has her hand down there covering up part of his clothing. I will let you guess which part by the nervous look on her face,

Thursday, November 22, 2007
We are all here
Hi Mary,
Jeni and Chris are talking and laughing in the kitchen. Mom is reading (or sleeping) with her earphones on. Jim is reading the paper at the dining room table. Dad and Deb are still in their respective rooms. I am here getting directions to the Chanhassan so we don't get lost this year.
It is snowing!
It is the first real snow of the year.
We are supposed to be at the Theatre by 12 noon.
More later, I am going to take some of those many promised pictures.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Something new for Montana
I'm sorry about moving. It is stressful. Let me know when you're safely there.
Meanwhile, look at what I caught a picture of in my backyard: a real blue jay.
That's because he has big balls. The way he got his name is a much longer story, but it's not really worthwhile. Suffice it to say that Tiger Woods has big balls and so does this squirrel.
That's all for now. Have a really safe trip, and hug Mom and Dad for me when you get there. Love, Mary
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Safe in the yard

We are thinking of leaving tomorrow (Monday) for Minneapolis. Unless I have too much to do to get ready. Then we will leave Tuesday. Unless the weather report is bad and then Monday. I am feeling stressed already.
I will take lots of pictures for the blog while I am there.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Saving Seeds
It is really too late to be out in the garden but it has been a very warm fall. There is even some green still showing in the grass. We will probably have a really cold night soon and then it will start to look like winter but it hasn't happened yet.
Today Jim and I went out and pulled zinnia, marigold, cosmos and morning glory seeds off the plants from our garden. We have bags full. In the spring we only have to buy seeds if we see a really pretty variety. I really like doing that. I remember doing it in Michigan when I was 8 or 9. We had planted four o'clock seeds and Dad showed me how to get the seeds.
Jim wanted to 'clean up' the garden. I have been trying to train him to a more bird friendly winter garden...in other words, leave the plants over the winter so the animals and birds can harvest some seeds and use the brush for shelter. I don't seem to make much headway. Every year we have to have a little discussion about it. We did put the tools away and got out the winter bird feeder. So we are getting ready assuming it ever snows.

I should be making plans for the trip to Minneapolis for Thanksgiving but that isn't for 5 days yet. No sense in rushing it.
We will miss you,
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Even Ol' Bear remembers...
...we both remember! We remember how you made fun of Jim's Campbell soup cookbooks.
PJ the fatty kitty is on my lap. I can tell he wants a picture of himself posted too, but he kept bugging me all night and I refuse to humor him. Some night I'll have Brian take a picture of him when he's on my lap and I'm typing. He puts his chin on my arm and just leaves it there to be joggled up and down. He doesn't like it when I listen to lectures though - the cord to the earphones irritates him.
I'm actually getting some very small knitting done - headbands. I'm on my third. When I get a minute I'll take a picture. I don't have a minute now - gotta go read something.
Thanks for the fun journey through the back roads of NDak. I'm glad you didn't run out of gas. Just think how confused the terrorists will be when they try to find you resisters out there on the plains! Love you, Mary
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Slow Cooker beef roast recipe

1 can cream of soup... used celery last time, often use mushroom
1 large sweet onion in chunks
1T. beef base...the one that starts with an ingredient called beef, (not salt). I use 'Better than Bouillion' organic.
1T. Worcestershire sauce
1t. Tabasco (or more of course. This amount only adds flavor.)
That's it. Slow cooker overnight on low if you stay up late. I always like it better after 12 hours. Turn it over after 5-6 hours (or in the morning) so it all gets under the juice. Otherwise the top gets hard. Twelve hours makes it fork tender. The onions are yummy. Use the leftover meat and liquid as a base for homemade Vegetable Beef soup.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Lost in North Dakota

I had a fun time at the All-Cooped-Up Retreat at Cooperstown Bible Camp near Cooperstown North Dakota. There were only 19 of us there so we each had our own 8 foot table and our choice of rooms. Sometimes Faye has had as many as 50 there. Then we are crowded. I finished the quilt top I started at Faye's class two weeks ago. The book that is the pattern is called Strips and Curves and you can see why.
I hung it on the curtains at camp to look at it while I worked on other projects. I was going to put flannel on the back and make it a 'cuddle quilt' but I found some black fabric printed with butterflies and think that would work fine and I already own it.
I might go look at the flannels though. ;-)
A fellow camper told me a shortcut home that would save me many minutes so I drove around central and southern Griggs County, North Dakota for 2 and 1/2 hours yesterday. (It only took me 45 minutes to get there) I had a map but the state of North Dakota saves money by only putting county roads and state roads on the map and then only putting numbers on the state roads. So I came to many numbered roads but they weren't numbered on the map and I got really annoyed.
Finally I came to an elevator that had a pickup in front of it. It was labeled Karnak elevator. I went in and the lights were on and the radio was on and the machinery was all working BUT NO ONE WAS THERE!!!!
I wandered around for a few minutes and called out so they wouldn't think I was a robber and then went to look at the plat map. Probably Brian knows about plat maps. Every elevator has one for their county and this one was on the elevator managers door so I searched through it and found the elevator...luckily it is on one of the two railroads that goes through the county...and found out where to go, and left and went there. It was 2 miles north (right out of the driveway) and then east until I hit Highway 32. Once on pavement I was OK because they label pavement in the state maps. My problem was I never found any pavement and because it was cloudy I had no idea which was was north or south or east or west. Or any other direction except up. I kept running into water: sloughs, not navigable rivers that might be shown ON A MAP!!!!, which kept me from going straight.
We had an instant of white round pellets this morning but it was only for 10 minutes so we don't have any real snow but we are getting closer.
Well that is my fine adventure in North Dakota.
Love to you.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
If I can post in 20 minutes....
like most every evening - and early in the morning too.
bulletin board, and post again.
That's what it smelled like. And speaking of Jon, look at what I'm going
to get for Christmas.
And speaking of Christmas, maybe you've heard already that I won't
be there for Thanksgiving : ( (I've really been getting into emoticons
since I started posting for school.) But really, Christmas will be so
much better, because I won't be trying to finish up projects. Schoolwork has filled up every nook and cranny of my life, and I would be bad company.
All right, it's 11:53, and I'm hittin' the hay. PJ is wrestling with the sack
of your yarn, Nancy. Ha ha! (better send that, huh?) Love you, Mary