Sunday, July 10, 2016

The garden is coming into bloom

Monarda - just starting to bloom.  Variety Raspberry Wine.
Hi Mary and Jeni,

Since we had a little hail last night and they are threatening us with hail again I thought I would put up some pictures of the flowers in bloom right now. They don't look quite as nice after a good hail storm with high winds...

An Oxalis that I had in the fairy garden last year.  The only plant
that lived over the winter.  Now it is too big for the fairy garden so it has it's own pot.

Hollyhocks from plants from the Clifford Post Office.
They are biennials and they are taking over the garden.
Self seeding morning glories and Rudbeckia Hirta, another self seeder.
This year I am letting them grow wherever they want.  You can see some of  the 
hail holes in the leaves.  It was only peas sized and only for about 10 minutes.
Jackmanii  Clematis.  I actually planted this one.
The tiniest flower in the garden.
One of my favorites.  Johnny Jump-ups.
The same lilies from further back.
Self seeded Morning Glories.  The garden is full of them.  I am pulling
them out like weeds.  A mix of Grandpa Ott's and a red one whose name I forget.
Scarlet something... I looked it up.  Scarlet O'Hara.  How could I forget?
The Mondarda is just starting to bloom. 
This year's fairy garden. The fairy is safe in my quilt room because
those cute little American Red Squirrels take them away.
One of Jim's marigolds with a tiny butterfly..  It is about 1-1/2 inches across.
These Tiger Lillie's are just about to bloom.  I put them in anyway.
Looking out from under the grape arbor.

That is all for now.  Here's hoping for no hail tonight.