Monday, December 3, 2007

Winter and Suet

Howdy Mary,
Yes winter arrived here on Saturday. We had about 6 inches of it. I took a picture of the garden but the house shades most of it so it looks dark even though it was a lovely sunny day.
I am going to make some more suet tonight. This is the recipe I use. I got it out of Wildbird Magazine and it is attributed to Martha Sargent. It gets eaten up about three to one faster than the commercial ones.

1 Cup crunchy peanut butter...the real stuff is preferred not the homogenized stuff2 Cups 'Quick Cook oats
2 C Cornmeal
1 Cup lard - no substitutes
1 C white flour
1/3 C sugar
(Non salted nuts and berries as you wish may be added.)

Melt lard and peanut butter together in microwave. Stir in the rest and pour into three recycled commercial suet pans or into a square plastic freezer container. Put in refrigerator to set. You may remove and store in the freezer once they are set. I usually just keep them in the fridge as they get eaten up too fast to spoil This is a picture of one of my bluejays and an American Goldfinch in flight. They are at my 'winter feeder' which is my own invention...and construction. A garbage can with holes cut in the bottom and hardware cloth inside to hold sunflower seeds. It is very popular and lasts about a month. Inside on the bottom is an upside down enamal pan to keep the seeds close to the edge of the can.

Cool eh?



1 comment:

  1. I don't quite understand your garbage can feeder, but I'm going to get you to explain it to me better when I get there for Christmas. We're working on Christy coming too, but haven't figured out how yet. Brian actually won some air miles, but they're on an airline that doesn't go to Mpls, so I don't see how we can do it...yet.
