Hi there Mary,

And of course for a finale....
I have been out in the yard and garden playing with my new Sony Cybershot H7 camera. Yes I am being snotty about it. I saved my Christmas and Birthday money for 3 years. (I had a little trouble with that but ended up with $550.00 to spend and blew the whole wad.) I also got Adope Photoshop Elements and a 2 gig media card.
So anyway now I have really high resolution photos and so I went into the yard and took pictures of my monarch sanctuary. (Or my weedy milkweed patch.) Here are some photos.

My favorite is the chrysalis. I have never even seen one in the wild before. Only captured ones so I am watching this one eagerly. It is right in the middle of the shot in the shady part of the picture.

Then I wandered around the milkweed patch (above) and looked for caterpillars. You have to wander 'around' it as you can't get into it. Sheesh, there were tons! Here are four. Any more would be boring. heheheheh.

Cool! You've got a picture of a caterpillar underneath a leaf! You are going to have so much fun with that camera, and I'm going to have fun looking at your pictures.
ReplyDeleteNow, do you have a tripod? And do you have capability to add one of those cables so you can take pictures while you're inside and the camera is set up outside in your garden? That's what I want! I'd buy you one right now if I had the money, then you wouldn't do anything else all summer but take pictures in the garden. My god, you can make greeting cards! I shall look up some quotes! Argh, the possibilities are endless....
Yes I have a tripod. Jenny and I went to an estate sale when we were both in Minneapolis. (SHe made me go so I could use the van to bring home the cukoo clock she bought, it not fitting on her bike.) So of course I had to look around and I bought a sewing machine (in a cabinet) 25.00 and really nice, and a good heavy duty tripod, $5.00.
ReplyDeleteAndddddd taa daa, My camera has a remote so I can set it up in the garden and point and click from the house.
I haven't tried that yet.
Too cool eh?
That is sooooo coooollll! I am instantly jealous. And snaps for your new id pic. What kind of bird is that, if you please?
ReplyDeleteHey I just noticed something - Adope photoshop elements - does this mean you are a dope? Ha ha, not very funny am I? Another question - how the heck did Jeni get the cuckoo clock home to Canada? I can just hear it bonging away in her luggage...like the time she packed the butcher knife in her carry-on....
ReplyDeleteThat is a sharp shinned hawk. One of the smaller ones. He was a first year male. I have 'adopted' him and if his band is ever recovered I will get the information sent to me. That was two years ago and so far no news.
ReplyDeleteAnd Jeni and the cukoo clock. She had it in many pieces spread throughout her luggage. She wanted to carry on the weights but we were worried about them as they were shaped like long pine cones and looked vaguely grenade like. I haven't talked to her since so I hope she got it all back together,
and it works.
I guess I am an adope. At least I don't read 8 books at a time!
I have finished some of those books. But I'm afraid to take them off the list because I want to remember the books I've read. How else can I do it?
ReplyDeleteIf you can't remember the books you have read you should keep post-its on your refrigerator. That is what refrigerators are for. And post-its.