Two sisters, Nancy and Mary, exchange family news and photos and dream about knitting, quilting, books, birds and life in general.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
we HAD to shop for yarn and beads

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
For those of you who weren't here at Christmas (1)
Holiday break: knitting plans....
Today is a day of recovery and knitting plans. Nancy's idea is for us to knit a joint project - or the same project - or whatever, but t0 use her laceweight merino wool to knit some "fluffy lace." We think we may have found the perfect project here.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Together Again

Friday, December 21, 2007
A tree topper for Dad
Remember all the tetrahedrons and octahedrons and other odd polyhedrons Dad used to make out of construction paper? Look at this: a perfect top to the Christmas tree for Dad, and it can be knit!

I'm going to bed right now or I'd look it up to see what the pattern is like. I wonder how hard it is to make? G'night! Love you, Mary
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
back home again

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Posted while talking about the burning barrel....
Yay! I am done with school WAHOOOOOIEEEEE! At least for Holiday Break. Here's the soundtrack of first quarter of distance - Masters of Library and Information Science (dMLIS) right here.
Now it's time to post some pictures. I have been getting a little bit of knitting done. I've found that I can knit headbands while I listened to lectures:
I can finally think about packing to come to Minneapolis now. If Brian doesn't get called to work, he will come with me. And Christy will get there four days later.
We actually are lucky enough to have someone stay in our house to take care of PJ, the plants, and the birds and squirrels we've been feeding. Speaking of - a week or so ago I was in bed with a headache, when I heard a racket outside:
Also, I finally got some exercise last Monday, skiing. Brian took a video and I'm planning to post it as soon as I can figure out why I keep getting an error message. I'm excited for the premiere of "Drewtube." Har! It takes so little to amuse me. Sayonara. mdp
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Much better

Well, that is better. It is not perfect yet because although I have shortened it several times it still goes over the border outline on the right edge. But it is much better. I now have a head!
I am busy trying to pack and clean things. My sticking point right now is the refrigerator. sigh.....
Dad just called and wanted me to finish the hat for Junice so she can have a Christmas present. I better get it out and work on it. I have been ignoring it although I knew just where the bag was. Maybe I can work on it during Monday Night football.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
can't figure out the heading

Thursday, December 6, 2007
More Thanksgiving pictures
Here are Jon and E with their dueling 'stuffies'. E has two from Caribou coffee and Jon has his pal "Ace". Ace left Jon and played for Nancy for a part of the game. She had great luck with him too.
That's all for now.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
1958 Cheesecake

Monday, December 3, 2007
Winter and Suet

I am going to make some more suet tonight. This is the recipe I use. I got it out of Wildbird Magazine and it is attributed to Martha Sargent. It gets eaten up about three to one faster than the commercial ones.
1 Cup crunchy peanut butter...the real stuff is preferred not the homogenized stuff2 Cups 'Quick Cook oats
2 C Cornmeal
1 Cup lard - no substitutes
1 C white flour
1/3 C sugar
(Non salted nuts and berries as you wish may be added.)
Melt lard and peanut butter together in microwave. Stir in the rest and pour into three recycled commercial suet pans or into a square plastic freezer container. Put in refrigerator to set. You may remove and store in the freezer once they are set. I usually just keep them in the fridge as they get eaten up too fast to spoil This is a picture of one of my bluejays and an American Goldfinch in flight. They are at my 'winter feeder' which is my own invention...and construction. A garbage can with holes cut in the bottom and hardware cloth inside to hold sunflower seeds. It is very popular and lasts about a month. Inside on the bottom is an upside down enamal pan to keep the seeds close to the edge of the can.
Cool eh?
Sunday, December 2, 2007
You must have been having some fun.....
Oh well, I'm feeling chipper today because it snowed, finally. And look who came to dinner:
And after he was done, look who came for leftovers:
And then, somebody got impatient for his turn: