I have been out in the garden a bit these last few days. It is just beautiful out. Breezy and cool but bright sun. It is fall and my favorite time of year. I was trying to clean out the birdbath and found a monarch caterpillar attached to the bottom of the saucer. It was in the 'J' position so I figured it had gotten too cold for it and it had died that way. Later on that day, Tuesday the 18th, I took another look and it had made it's chrysalis so I am hoping we will have the latest ever monarch this year. Another sign of global warming I suppose.

I just like the garden.
It is a mass of flowers right now and I will take all the frost free days I can get. This is my view as I stand under the arch covered with Heavenly Blue Morning glories. The flowers are up at eye level. That shallow dark area on the left was my brick path.
Tomorrow I get to go into Fargo and stay for the weekend at the Holiday Inn where the Indian Summer Quilt Show has taken up residence. It started on Tuesday with Quilt Take-in that I worked at again. I really like to volunteer for quilt take-in cause I get to look at EACH quilt UP CLOSE. It is much better than walking around the show especially when your feet hurt as bad as mine do. Also I get to meet those Fargo quilting people that I only see once a year.
Tomorrow, Thursday, will be the start of classes. I don't have any classes scheduled then but my friend Karen and I are registered for the lecture that evening. They always show lots of quilts at these lectures and we get all excited and go out and buy more fabric that we don't need and come home with bags full of stuff that we have no place left to store. My closet is full of yarn and teddy bear fur and the quilt room is full of fabric. However I haven't started storing it in other rooms yet so I am ahead of many of my friends.
Friday and Saturday we have classes and another lecture on Sunday and then we come home. We are planning to eat at Acapulco's Mexican Restaurant and at Season's Buffet (chinese) sometime during our weekend out.
Now you have a few days to try to get a post up. Get to work little sister.
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