Monday, April 19, 2010

First Rummage Sale, Minneapolis

Hi there Mary,
Jeni and I are jealous of your nice dishes.  Are they Fiesta ware?  We went to an Estate Sale and then to a Saver's store on Saturday.  Jeni found items but I didn't.  We chose the Estate Sale because the ad said "Singer Sew. Machs."  However they were all gone when we got there about 11a.m.  So my friend Annie and I went outside and waited for Jeni.  She got this huge basket with a cover, a vintage cookbook, a tiny plate and a knife and a tiny slotted spoon.  Oh yeah, and a yellow tupperware container with lid.  She claims we rushed her.  She may be right.
Since I didn't score at the cheap sale I will also give you a picture of the Great Blue Heron statue that I paid full price for at Sunnyside Gardens.  I think it will go in the area around my pond very nicely.
Sunnyside is remodeling.  They have changed the way they route cars through the lot.  I think it will be a lot safer because the cars will no longer go across the area between the two sheds.  That is now covered so it will be lightly shaded and the cars make a left upon entering and park along the chain link fence dividing the garden center from the parking lot for Needlework Unlimited.  I suspect they had problems with people driving too close to pedestrians and so made this change.  It looks good.
When we drove over there again today we noticed that the former Super Value is also under construction to change it into the Linden Hills Co-op.  Hard Hat area only there and a fence around it.  I am excited to see it finished.
Nancy and Jeni

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a lot of interesting news about the neighborhood. I like the great blue heron. Lots of those around Whitefish River.
