Two sisters, Nancy and Mary, exchange family news and photos and dream about knitting, quilting, books, birds and life in general.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Peace Garden in Minneapolis
Have you ever been to the Minneapolis Peace Garden?
When you walk around this sculpture at the entrance,
you can read a poem, and you can read it in at least two different ways.
There are probably more.
Poem 1 or Poem 2
minds widen widen ideas
ideas open
ideas open open spirits
spirits connect connect hearts
spirits connect connect hearts
hearts free free minds
hearts free free minds
minds widen widen ideas
Love, Mary
Friday, October 17, 2008
Ben and Amandas' Wedding

I wonder why that could be?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Short post
I had to harvest the basil because something was starting to give it brown spots. It is a lot of basil:
I used the heirloom tomatoes you left here and made a very tasty tomato sauce, if I do say so myself:
I have three shopping bags stapled up, with basil drying in them. Yippeeee, I'll have plenty of aromatic flavorful basil until next year's harvest.
Love, Mary
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tulip Mania in North Dakota

Friday, October 3, 2008
Back in North Dakota
When you first enter there is a little office just inside the door. However it is so covered with fabric offerings that you hardly notice it. A few feet further in you look to the left into the store and there you see fabric. Piles of it. Some is nicely organized and some is piled up all over every flat surface. (It is hard to find a cutting table that can be used) More is stacked on the floor waiting to be put away. Up above you can see quilts hanging from the ceiling and tacked to the walls. They did two of the quilts in the One Block Wonders: Encore book and you can see parts of those two in the picture above.There are fat quarters and half yard cuts and there are piles of remnants too. They have a wonderful selection of orientals. More than at any other store I have been to which is why I like this store alot.
I hardly ever make it into the batik section, but it also is very large. I only spent 20 dollars there which was very restrained of me. Jim waited patiently in the car with his coffee and 4 papers from Seattle.
Before I left I took some pictures of Fatty Kitty being cute and flat,
and Mom with her purse (she is cute too.) I didn't have a picture of that purse yet.
I also took a picture of you. It is very symbolic because it is a dark picture and it always seems to me as if you fall into a black hole whenever school starts. So here you are, 'holed up' in the upstairs sitting room reading for class.
Take care.