We spoke about the Swirl Shawl I had finished, and the website I got the pattern from (Knitting Pattern Central). Here's a picture of the shawl before blocking:
I should mention that the yarn is Dune from Trendsetter yarns, mohair and various manmade fibers, plus 6% metal! It has greens and purple and turquoise colors; the color# is 102, called Grass and Sky, and it's not discontinued. I just checked. This pattern took 4 skeins equalling 360 yds. Here is is blocked:
And here is is being worn. (Why must we always put our hand on our hip? I couldn't not do it when I was trying to take a decent picture.)
So I am pleased with how the shawl came out. Yes, I could have gone a little longer, but the end of the fourth skein just seemed like the right place to stop. I can throw both ends over the shoulder and have a capelet type of thing, or let both hang down and they ruffle gracefully, framing my luscious silk sheath. Heh heh - luscious - must be thinking of the Black Forest Cherry Torte I just had at the Black Forest Inn.
Okay, besides that, here is the shawl I bought at a rummage sale that I want to copy.
Look: it's two parallelograms in a chevron shape. I know I've learned how to do this before but I can't remember, so I'm busily putting library books on hold (mostly the ones I already own in Montana) so I can remember if I'm right about the slanting decreases being the secret. I love the shape and size of this little shawl. Too bad it's made of a harsh-feeling yarn, and it is also falling apart. I could use a brighter color. But beyond that, it is a good little warmer-upper, and one that I can use gardening, or during tasks where I might not use another shawl I'd be afraid to snag or stain. I like wearing shawls!
Meanwhile, now that I've finished a project, I'm ready for another, so I'm looking around. But I think it might be the eyelet chevron shawl next. Love, Mary