Hi Mary,
I went to a quilt show with my friend Anne. It was all 'art' quilts and the theme was the Mississippi River. Very interesting. Before we went we had lunch at an
Asian Fusion restaurant.
It was yummy!
What I could taste of it anyway. They had the rice in three little hills. Sort of like they molded it in a little Chinese tea cup and turned it upside down. Then they put different sauces on each one. My favorite was the coconut one. I passed on the peanut sauce because peanuts taste icky to me. The other one was steamed shallots which was OK. I had chicken (you could have tofu instead) in a sweet and sour sauce. It wasn't the thick jelly-like sauce you get in most Chinese restaurants. It was light and tart and a little sweet and just a tiny bit hot. Not so it felt hot, but more like it dreamed of hotness. They had the sauce in a tiny bowl and you could put as much on as you wanted. I used it ALL up. It also had a nice lettuce salad with a very interesting dressing. I couldn't describe it but it was perfect. I would go there again. And it only cost $10.00.
I had never heard of this restaurant but it is only about 8 blocks away from my parents. It is called
Rice Paper. Cute name.
Ah the joys of the city.
The quilt show was fun too. It was in an old building up North on the Mississippi. It is now on the historical register. It used to be a bar and a post office and a family house. It has all sorts of additions going out every which way. There are two stairways up to the second story and you have to go around in funny ways to see it all. Some of the rooms on the upper level are higher than other rooms too.
It is on a hill over looking the river. Unfortunately now there is a 4 lane highway between the river and the house but it must have been a wonderful site when it was Indian Territory still.
The quilt show was all the kinds of quilts that my friend Karen gets so annoyed with at the Fargo Show. Lots of machine quilting, lots of beading and tulle and embroidery and painting on fabric. I should have taken my camera. It was just the right size show. About 25 quilts. Enough to be interesting but not so many you got bored.
It is nice here today. Warmer and no wind. I will take it.